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Pre-K-6th grade Early Registration: January 30- March 8 $45 (sibling discount of $15) Registration March 9-23 $55 (sibling discount of $15)

Optimist Soccer League Logistics for 2025

Early Registration: January 31-March 8    $45

Registration March 9-23   $55

(Sibling discounts of $15)

Game schedules: April 12-May 22


Michiana Christian Embassy will have 1&2 at the location; field is in the back of the church east of the softball field

Niles-Buchanan YMCA  will have (2) PreK fields and (2) K fields at the Y. They will be marked field NB 1,2,3,&4

Ballard front will have 3rd & 4th grade 

Ballard back game field on Saturdays only will have 5th & 6th games (no practice on this field)

Plym Park will have 5th & 6th practices and games

AEP will have PK, K, 1&2, 3&4 games on those fields. 



PreK/K will be the same field (field 1)

1st & 2nd will be closest to parking lot (field 2)

3rd & 4th will be farthest from parking lot (field 3)


Game logistics for coaches and referees:

PreK will have instructional 20 min before games; then 2/10 min. half (with sub at 5 min. mark as teams are not very big) No referee or goalie with coaches on field 4-v-4 (size 3 ball);                             Teams play 1 game a week on Saturdays


K will have 20 minute instructional before games; then 4/ 8 min. quarters; No referee or goalie with a coach on the field 5v5 (size 3 ball) ; Teams play 1-2 games a week


1st & 2nd will be 4/10 min. quarters; goalie, 1 referee, 8 players + goalie= 9 total on field; 9v9 (8 minute half time) (size 4 ball)


3rd & 4th will be 4/12 min. quarters; goalie, 2 referees, 10 players + goalie= 11 total players on field; 11v11 (size 4 ball) 


5th & 6th will be 2/30 min. half; goalie, 2 referees, 10 players + goalie= 11 total players on field; 11v11 (size 5 ball) 


Early Registration January 31 - March 8 ($45)

Regular Registration March 9th - March 23 ($55)

Pre K League (3.5-5 yr. *have NOT attended Kindergarten)

  • Each week teams will be assigned to a scheduled game time
  • There will be a 20 minute Fundamental Skill Development session before game
  • Following the 20 minute fundamental training session, teams will play (2) 10 minute sessions with substitution at the 5 minute time
  • Each player will be assigned to a team and a coach
  • One coach may be on the field during game play
  • Four players on the field/ no goalie
  • Players will receive a team shirt and should wear athletic attire in accordance to weather conditions
  • Tennis shoes or soccer cleats are fine
  • Shin guards are required
  • Players should bring their own water in a container that is marked with their name

Kindergarten League (Children currently in Kindergarten)

  • Shin guards are required
  • Each team will have 20 min instructional warm up with volunteer coach(es) on the field
  • Immediately following warm up teams will play against scheduled opponent
  • Games will consist of 4 x 8 min quarters
  • Plan on 2 contacts a week; either 2 scheduled games, or 1 practice and one scheduled game (volunteer coaches will determine the practice schedule)
  • 1 game ball will be used at each field,
     which will be sanitized before the start of each quarter by the referee.
  • Coaches, parents and other spectators are NOT permitted to touch the game ball at any time. Only referees and players.

Warm up Instructional Training will include:
• basic skills of dribbling, shooting and passing, receiving and 1v1 skills
• Basic Laws of the game: out of bounds, corner kicks, goal kicks, free      kicks.

Game Play

• 4 x 8 min quarters 

Optimist Soccer

Optimist Soccer has supported youth in the Niles-Buchanan-Brandywine-Cassopolis area for over 40 years. The Niles Noon Optimist Club is committed to providing funds and support to local programs and organizations that provide opportunities for youth. ALL revenue raised through Optimist Soccer go back to youth in our community. The Club is made up of volunteers that commit their time to support youth and families, promote character development and sportsmanship, promote healthy living, provide opportunity for volunteers to provide opportunity for youth to learn to play the game of soccer, and provide college scholarships to local students.

If you are interested in joining the Niles Noon Optimist Club (not required to attend noon meetings), please reach out to Denise Peters at


If you are interested in being an Optimist Soccer Sponsor, please contact:

Denise Peters                                                     Emma Ruppel                          


Emma Ruppel


Phone: 269-683-1552